Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesdays can be OK

See, I think Tuesdays are like the back up Mondays. They aren't really Mondays, but if you ever miss a Monday, then Tuesday is there to pick it up. But, thankfully yesterday I had one of those Stupid Mondays, but it was a Monday nonetheless. Which means this day Tuesday should be a good Day. Hopefully, if all goes well! And hopefully nobody will tell me I loo depressed. And hopefully I'll have passed that math test. We all cheated off each other, so I should at LEAST have a C.
It makes me feel so Fine I can't control my brain.
Birthday presents are always stressful. I just thought you should all know that. If you make a birthday present, be prepared for stress, because you get a lot of it. I actually don't think I have anything to do today... Oh wait, ya I do. Band banquet. I don't know what I'm going to bring for food. I don't know what I'm going to wear. I actually have NO IDEA what I'm going to do... I supposed to present awards. But, I really don't want to.
And also, my coach wants me to play on this softball team over the summer. Practices start tomorrow, but they're at dessert oasis, which is REALLY far away. I dunno if I can do it, my mum doesn't seem to happy about it, but I guess we'll see right? It sounds like a good opportunity, and I've never played on a league team, and I've always wanted to, So.. Maybe I finally can!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahh. Green box suddenly makes mounds of sense

P.s. the word verification for this comment is ycheat.... it's like it knows you cheated on your geometry test. lol