I woke up early to get my haircut. I really like it, and we went to Sister Day. And she invited us to one day come to a BBQ. But only after her daughter's Harry Potter Room is finished, and Brandon comes back from tour. Woah, that sentence is just awesome. Think about that. Me... Sitting in a Harry Potter room with Brandon Flowers. SO FREAKIN AWESOME!
We went to Costco, I think they had the Best samples EVER today! They were like seriously bomb! So good. I drove to Costco BTW. It was way awesome! Then I came home and slept for a bit. And I was supposed to babysit like.. right now, but the kid is sick. Which is really sad because she's really cute, and I could have really used the money! But that's OK I guess. What I'm really depressed about is that I was going to go see "Up" tonight with some friends, and that fell though, because none of my friends could really come. Except for Anne and Caleb. And I don't think my parents would be Ok with that, even though Caleb and I are just friends. So we just canceled. So, now I've got an open Saturday, where I'm doing nothing. This is lame, first Saturday in a while that I haven't done anything. So, if anyone wants to get together tonight to have a movie night or something, I'm free. But obviously nobody But Anne and Caleb are available. So Stupid. OK, I'm going to go eat now. Blah, then I'll just sit on my couch and watch TV. Stupid Saturday.
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