Thursday, October 23, 2008


UGH Thursday. Stuck in between the worst day and the best day of the week. Boring, calm, extremely boring, did I mention that it's boring. I guess I should just try and make it un-boring. I think I'll be reading the twilight series today for fun. Or even just for free time, and I'll have a lot of free time. I've already developed my pictures in photography, all I have to do is cut them and put them in the plastic pages. I have a test in geometry, I might study for that in photography, I have to ace it so I can get a B in the class, I have a C right now. And some councilors came into my world history class yesterday and said most collages won't take you unless you have a 3.25 unweighted GPA. And only your core classes. Which means pretty much all the As I have are gone and I'm left with B, C, B, A. That C is dragging me down. I NEED to bring it up. And I think I bombed a test in Chemistry yesterday, so now one of those is going to turn into a C! I am really stressed about this. Whoa yeah. So, I need to go make my lunch, bye.

1 comment:

velvetysweetness said...

We had a whole bunch of tests too. It sucked! But I got Bs on most of them so I was proud of myself. They were really hard like the highest grade was a 93! But I was satisfied :) I understand what stress your going through. I've felt like that all week!!!