Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm all right!!

Everyone, I am OK! No need to worry. It was no big deal the "NEWS" i got the other night. Some people have been very worried, and it's nothing super bad, I mean to me it's very sad, but to everyone else, it's probably the stupidest thing they'd ever heard. So don't worry. I'm A OK! :D


Anonymous said...

what happend

Anonymous said...

you're a ok, lol?? good :)

btw, I think kaze's last name is o'brien


Rendezvous said...

It's not stupid. It's something that everyone has to go through at least a couple times in their life. But hey, sometimes people being worried can be a good thing, eh? You know what I'm talking about. ;)
- m-dizzle

sorry i just felt the urge to leave a dash and my name. It seems like the cool thing to do.