Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So, Lately there's been these voices going on in my head. Well, one voice actually, and it won't shut up! Not that that's a bad thing. I kinds like the voice, but sometimes... That voice can tell me things I don't want to hear. Let me rephrase that, because I love the voice. Sometimes the voice is too smart for its own good. And sometimes I learn stuff, and I'm not telling the voice to cut it out or anything. I think that what I'm really trying to do is make fun of this voice. I swear... Well, actually I don't swear, but I'm saying that this voice is in me, and it's just like me, It says stuff that I would say myself. And maybe, sometimes, the voice is a little smart for it's own good. And I think that sometimes the voice tries to confuse me. And- don't get me wrong, the confusion is strange, but accepting - I believe the voice has very loud vocal cords. But it's cool, one of my voices has to speak up!!! : D It's like the voice is my fire or something!!!


Anonymous said...

look out, alex. I'm on fire!

Alex Lupton said...

You better believe it!!!

Anonymous said...

So Alex! I wanted to remind you to audition for MYSC this year...we'll get a new conductor...Brother Skouson is gone. Sister Handy's our new conductor for now until we get another! Please sign up and audition soon! We'd love to have you there!
P.S. I'm not auditioning...i'm going to be a helper or assistant this year.'d be awesome!
Amy :)

Alex Lupton said...

OK Major, I'll ne there