Sunday, August 17, 2008


I have friends who have different beliefs than me. I have a Buddhist friend, some Catholic friends, Christian friends, Atheist friends, And my Mormon friends. And I'm OK with people having different beliefs than me, but when I go to class and people who I barely know me, or who I don't even like tease and poke fun of my religion, I feel like I'm going to go mad, and I know from personal experience, that if I go crazy and tell someone off, that they'll just use that against me. "What kind of Mormon Girl are you?" I sometimes feel like leaving school and just going to church to get away and know that I'm right in my beliefs in our god. But of course I can't, and I just have to suck it up, grit my teeth and try and correct people's bogus view of the Mormon church. My Church, and now I'm off for a meeting before church begins.

1 comment:

velvetysweetness said...

You're so strong and valiant. I admire you so much for standing up for what you believe. I know I am going to use your wonderful example to help me in the future!!!