Thursday, August 14, 2008


So, band camp, once you get past the smell and the work is actually kind of fun. I love being with my friends, they're really amazing, Here's a shout out to them , even though they will probably NEVER read my blog.

Anne- (Might read my blog) She's amazing, she's hilarious, and even though I don't agree all the time with her sense of music, she's a true friend, and she's there for me.

Michelle- I've known Shelly for a couple years, since band in eighth grade, when I played sax next to her. She's awesome, really smart, and she has an awesome sense of humor. "Michelle, Do you wanna see my spit valve?" She knows what I mean.

Aileen- I must admit that when I first met her, I was afraid, that she would eat me or something. But now that I know her better I see that she's really funny and she keeps me in line when I start to get bored during sectionals and marching practice.

Phillip- Phillip is Phillip. He's the head ninja, and because he rejected my request to be a ninja, he made me a spy. If I couldn't be as cool as them, at least I could be a spy, even if they aren't as great. He's a people person that makes everyone laugh, so, a shout out to Phil was in order. Way to go.

Well, I don't have many other FRIENDS at camp, so, there you go. Thanks guys!!!! Oh, and there are a couple cool freshman, namely, Logan, Becca, and Alison (Who's a senior)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but no maren...... :(