Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bay the best ever

So, I haven hung out with my riend Marn f a couple eeks now. I mean, I see her at school at lunch the second day, and in Jazz band, but I haven't hung out with her for a while. But yesterday, I went over to her house and ate pizza and watched Footloose. The movie itself was a little interesting. Lots of swearing, PG, yeah right. But anyways, it was really fun hanging out with Maren again, I think we should do that more often, maybe at my house this week? So, yeah, it was fun, and ROCKIN'!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Playlist


On my playlist, click on the pop out thing, then the click here thing, and listen away!!!


School this year might actually be fun, The A days are terrible, all electives, two periods of band in a row, so boring! But I love B day. Mr. Berry, my world history teacher, is Mormon, and I'm fascinated by history. Chemistry is really cool, too. I mean, it's only the third day, but I think I'm going to like the course. Geometry, normally I would say that I hate math, but geometry is OK. I may be in the class with all freshman, but I actually like it, I think I'm going to do OK. And all the little freshman are so nice to me. English is my least favorite class on B day. English is usually my favorite class, but the teacher is evil, he said I shouldn't be in an honors class. I mean, so I stink at spelling, and figuring out the whole verb phrase. I'm awesome at writing essays, and I think I'm a pretty good poet, too. So i don't like him, or his stupid class. But I do really like school, and especially my B day.


For some reason, I feel strange. Like, not myself. The last few days, I've actually, been, quiet. And for me, at school, that's not me, I'm usually like really hyper and happy. But today I couldn't hold together being myself for more than like five minutes. i kept zoning out and I couldn't concentrate. I mean, a little bit of it must be sleep. Because I've been going to bed at like eleven and getting up at four thirty to go to seminary. I love seminary, but it's just too early, I want to sleep later, and go to seminary during school. And, i don't know, maybe I'm spacing out because I'm being put into situations that are a little hectic. I need to try to pull it together though. My friends have noticed, and they don't know what to do with it. I feel like I'm depriving them.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Love's Garden. This one's a sonet.

I live just as a flower on the branch

And fear more blooms will wrongly have success

For thorns will almost surely take my chance

The love here spilt has burned into my flesh

Distraught nights leave me in a gentle haze

My eyes glisten and I must feel the pain

And as days pass I pray to catch your gaze

I hope in time you'll see my love's deep stain

My time's too long and yours too short to wait

My bud shall die, my leaves fall down to waste

And gardeners will shove me out the gate

My poor heart tumbles down the side with haste

This day, today my heart will lie to rest

My love protect you always as a crest

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I ask

I capture a look
Once concealed in your eyes,
And ask…
At what point does our happiness end?

I dash for a call
That has not come,
And ask…
Why do you joke in such ways?

I adore the look
You rarely present,
And ask…
Is it too much for a glance now and then?

I relish the thought
Of you by my side,
And ask….
Why don’t you come ‘round more often?

You should,

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tears- Alex Lupton

In French:
Les jours comme sont aujourd'hui des jours pour porter le deuil et avoir du chagrin, pour les fautes passées, alors demain, Laissé eux le sauve-qui-peut leur voie de la porte et les fermer dans l'arrière coin du cerveau, où ils peuvent être parused au loisir et pas quand il y a des visages innocents lounging au coin de l'oeil.

Translation or, the way I said it:
Days like today are days to mourn and grieve, for past mistakes, then tomorrow, Let them scurry their way out the door, and lock them in the back corner of the brain, where they can be perused at leisure, and not when there are innocent faces lounging in the corner of the eye.

To clarify, this is an "apology of sorts" I feel like mistakes should be put aside, even if they weren't real mistakes. I guess I've found it's not worth putting others through pain for it. But I also feel like avoiding this mistake, so, no offense to my "Mistake" but I probably won't be in the mood for talking for a while, or ever. So, maybe a little extreme, but I don't feel like this is something I'm getting over for a bit, so I'm just going to put it in a cabinet in the back of my head, and avoid any interactions that will open the drawer and spill it out before my angry eyes again. As little interaction as possible, please understand, I feel it's best for everyone.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

99 Red balloons

I really like this song. It rocks!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gone, another by me

Where did she go?
That sweet bottle of innocence
Not knowing of all the creepy cruelties
All the examples of an elated soul’s mercy

Where has she gone?
The glimmer in her eyes
As her world springs up to meet her
Like a coil set loose from the proper place

Dear friend…
…where has she gone?
When did her ignorance depart?
At the park, watching a mother bird desert her kin?
At a loved one’s final departure,
When it’s too late to know love,
But not late enough to say the words

Where did she go?
I’ll tell you where my dear friend went,
She left me at a four way stop,
With only one way to go…


Monday, August 18, 2008

Curious? Lincoln and Kennedy

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.'
Kennedy was shot in a car called a 'Lincoln' made by Ford.

Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse.
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials!

And here's the kicker: A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

Creepy, huh?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Silverstein, discovering the Waterfront

So, the other day during lunch at band camp my friend Anne found out I'd never heard of Silverstein and freaked out, and made me listen to them, along with a couple other screaming bands. This is a pretty good song. I don't mind it. And Anne, I also listened to smile in your sleep. There was a lot of wincing, but I got through the whole song. But I prefer songs with less shouting, it makes me feel sad. Like they're yelling at me! But this one's all right.

World spins madly on

My friend Maren turned me onto this band, she's played a couple of their songs for me, I particularly like this one. I like this kind of music, it's all like, mellow, but with an edge. Perfect for calming you down before you read some of my other posts. :D The Weepies...

Why Do I? A Poem written by me

When my cheeks are rouge
And my belly topsy,
Why do I only get that feeling
When you are around?

When we pass
And our eyes meet,
Why do I look away
When longing tells me to gaze?

When I grasp the table
So as not to collapse in your presence
Why do I make myself out as a fool?
Like a jester to a pompous king

When I converse
But loose my chance in an aquarium full of nerves
How can a heart break on its’ own
Without expecting consequences?

Why does denial snatch my unplanted seed,

When the garden next door has ripened fruits?


I just got back from church, good times. I love learning so much about the gospel. I had a meeting today to decide what our activities are for the next three months. We changed mutual to Wednesdays, because I am their president, and I won't be able to attend Tuesday night meetings for a while. There's an activity in September, I call it, "How to deal with religion in school" Since I've had trouble with this subject and I know other's have also, I just think that we should discuss what's going on, and how to respond to those negative and sometime wrong accusations. I love Church, I'll say it again, I love church. NO matter how many meeting I have to sit through, and how many talks I have to listen to when you can't understand what they're saying because of the accent. I LOVE my religion, and no matter how many "PEERS" try and tell me I'm wrong, I will always love my church. I write this here because I'm too much of a coward to say it to the people who actually pester me about this, and I went a little extreme, but in writing, I AM EXTREME!!! ;={D


I have friends who have different beliefs than me. I have a Buddhist friend, some Catholic friends, Christian friends, Atheist friends, And my Mormon friends. And I'm OK with people having different beliefs than me, but when I go to class and people who I barely know me, or who I don't even like tease and poke fun of my religion, I feel like I'm going to go mad, and I know from personal experience, that if I go crazy and tell someone off, that they'll just use that against me. "What kind of Mormon Girl are you?" I sometimes feel like leaving school and just going to church to get away and know that I'm right in my beliefs in our god. But of course I can't, and I just have to suck it up, grit my teeth and try and correct people's bogus view of the Mormon church. My Church, and now I'm off for a meeting before church begins.


So, I went to a church dance last night. And in the past I've totally enjoyed the dances. But this one was terrible. NO one asked me to dance, I felt pathetic standing there in the middle of the slow songs. But no one asked Lexie Worthen to dance wither (I don't know why, She's so pretty) SO we spent half the dance in hiding wondering why we were so repellent. Literally, there were times when Lexie and I decided to move to a different place to see different people, and there was a five foot radius around us where no one would come closer to us. We tried to inch over to other people, and it was like they were rippling away from us!!! Now, if that's not retarded, I don't know what is!!! So, hail to Alex, the all time boy repellent!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tuesday night rehearsals

Starting this Tuesday I begin Tuesday night rehearsals for band. Which, in a way is finish. As long as I'm with my friends, but when my friends are places like.. Girls camp, it's not as fun. But as long as they're with me, I enjoy the HOURS spent marching and playing on the field. So This Tuesday I begin, playing at the Bengal Bash 3:30, then rehearsal at six.

BNL, Million Dollars

My 3rd grade teacher used to play this song for us all the time, and I heard it on the tv this morning, and remembered that teacher was my favorite teacher, and all these good memories came flooding back, and I realized how much stuff I would buy with a million dollars. So, enjoy. I did!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


So, band camp, once you get past the smell and the work is actually kind of fun. I love being with my friends, they're really amazing, Here's a shout out to them , even though they will probably NEVER read my blog.

Anne- (Might read my blog) She's amazing, she's hilarious, and even though I don't agree all the time with her sense of music, she's a true friend, and she's there for me.

Michelle- I've known Shelly for a couple years, since band in eighth grade, when I played sax next to her. She's awesome, really smart, and she has an awesome sense of humor. "Michelle, Do you wanna see my spit valve?" She knows what I mean.

Aileen- I must admit that when I first met her, I was afraid, that she would eat me or something. But now that I know her better I see that she's really funny and she keeps me in line when I start to get bored during sectionals and marching practice.

Phillip- Phillip is Phillip. He's the head ninja, and because he rejected my request to be a ninja, he made me a spy. If I couldn't be as cool as them, at least I could be a spy, even if they aren't as great. He's a people person that makes everyone laugh, so, a shout out to Phil was in order. Way to go.

Well, I don't have many other FRIENDS at camp, so, there you go. Thanks guys!!!! Oh, and there are a couple cool freshman, namely, Logan, Becca, and Alison (Who's a senior)


My friend Maren is at girls camp. I want her to come home, band camp just isn't the same without her, she'll be back on Saturday, but I still miss her like crazy!!!

Stupid People


So there's this Stupid guy in band, not mentioning names... Cough Cough, Trevor!! And I just want to... I don't know do something violent that wouldn't be like me. He just UPSETS me, I know he's just upset because my best friend isn't here, but he's taking all his built up pressure out on everyone else, namely me!!! When he's not being a jerk, he's trying to be all sad and mopey and does the whole, "Where's Maren?" with the stupid lip tremble and the hand on my shoulder, I just want to rip off his arm and slap him with it, I know, it's a little extreme, but that's how angry this stupid guy has made me. We're sitting in sectionals and he swears, and anyone who knows me knows that if someone swears in the vicinity around me I ask them to stop. So my exact words were, " Trevor, Can you not swear?" And he told me to stop forcing my religion on him! What is his problem?!!? And we were standing on the stage in the new theatre watching some freshman, and he comes up to me and says, "Alex, I've noticed that every time we stop you're the first one talking." I just wanted to shove his mellaphone down his throat! For all the stupid times he's played the same "King Of The Hill" or "Into The Storm" song during a break. So I just walked away from him, and he was like, 'What's wrong?" He's been acting like this all week!!! He's not even in band! I wish he would just get over himself and leave!! But I know he's staying, "For Maren" No matter how much he says it's about the stupid music!!!

Sorry, Thanks for listening- Reading more like... to my venting, I just can't stand him, and I wish Maren was back from girls camp, because then I could tell this to her in person. But I can't keep my feelings of dislike to myself anymore, it's like burning inside. So Again Thanks, You braved the very worst of my anger, I told all this to Beegs last night, She was proud of me for standing up for myself, I feel proud that I didn't hit him! Ooh, Calm down Alex, you still have two more days. I can handle this when Maren comes back, maybe she'll yell at him? Maybe. Thanks again


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Band Camp

So, This week is Band Camp. And I truly despise it. noon to Nine PM. It's too hot!!! And I come home sticky, and smelly, and tired. And hungry, and my lips hurt from playing, and also... I'm light headed my feet are aching, and my hair! Ugh don't even get me started on the clump of fur sitting on the top of my head, by the end of the day it looks like I've been dragged upside down over the football Field, and then most of the bits of grass were picked out by blind monkeys. Band Camp stinks, but it's worth it, I guess, to be with my super cool friends!!!!

About video below

Hey, so the video right below... At the end of the trailer is just music I think, and you don't have to listen to that because I didn't even realize it was on there until after I had already published it. SO, Enjoy the video!!!!

Twilight Movie trailer!!! Comes out december 12th

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So, Lately there's been these voices going on in my head. Well, one voice actually, and it won't shut up! Not that that's a bad thing. I kinds like the voice, but sometimes... That voice can tell me things I don't want to hear. Let me rephrase that, because I love the voice. Sometimes the voice is too smart for its own good. And sometimes I learn stuff, and I'm not telling the voice to cut it out or anything. I think that what I'm really trying to do is make fun of this voice. I swear... Well, actually I don't swear, but I'm saying that this voice is in me, and it's just like me, It says stuff that I would say myself. And maybe, sometimes, the voice is a little smart for it's own good. And I think that sometimes the voice tries to confuse me. And- don't get me wrong, the confusion is strange, but accepting - I believe the voice has very loud vocal cords. But it's cool, one of my voices has to speak up!!! : D It's like the voice is my fire or something!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I am OUTRAGED!!!! Last night, someone came to my house.. and stole the refrigerator we were planning on fixing!!! I am SOOO ANGRY, I could spit!!!! SPUTTT!! That was the sound of me spitting on the stupid guy who stole the fridge!!!

Thank you for putting up with my anger!


Monday, August 4, 2008

Ben Folds Five

So, I couldn't transfer the video to my blog, but if you have some free time, you should definetly look up this song from Ben Folds five. It's a song with a really good beat, listen for the base line in the back, it like it, and the guys voice is like, soft, but still has a punch, so I like it, hope you do too!!!

Ben Folds Five- Brick

Sunday, August 3, 2008


From Left to Right: Mohinder Suresh, Nichole Sanders (and Jessica's in the water), Mika Sanders, DLHawkins Claire Bennet, Noah Bennet, Peter Patrelli, Nathan Patrelli, Hiro Nakamura (My Favorite), Matt Parkman, Isaac Mendez From left to right: Sendhil Ramamurthy, Ali Larter, Noah Gray-Cabey, Leonard Roberts. Hayden Penettiere, Jack Coleman, Milo Ventimiglia, Adrian Pasdar, Mosi Oka, Greg Grunberg, Satntiago Mendez.
Characters not in Picture above: Takaezo Kensei (David Anders), Elle Bishop (Kirsten Bell), Somine Deveaux (Tawney Cypress), Monica Dawson (Dana Davis), Ando Masahashi (James Kyson Lee), Gabriel Gray/ Sylar (Zachary Quinto), Maya Herera (Dania Ramirez)

I truley love this show!!!