Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 30! :)

I took this really fast... and it's not a very good picture, but anyways, three good things that have happened since I started this 30 day challenge thing.
1: I got to talk to Caleb and see him... that was awesome.
2: Christmas happened, and I love Christmas!
3. I knitted some pretty skillful hats. :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Things to Do:

1. Figure out what's going on with the Stupid BYU Independent study course I'm taking because it's all too confusing for my liking.
2. Call CSN and find out what's happening there... because I'm so in the dark of what I need to do.
3. Do the giant pile of homework I have for Mr. Mast and Trig.
4. Write a good, thoughtful, and exciting letter to Caleb.
5. Give Maren, Raquel, and Luisa their Christmas presents.
6. Put together the cool video I'm making about Zeus because he's a cool little guy.
7. Think of some resolutions because the new year is coming faster and FASTER!
8. I need to start being less stressed about things, because when I'm stressed I tend to get even less done than when I'm slacking off. Not cool.

Day 29!

Something I could never get tired of doing.
If I could keep knitting... forever, I would be very Happy. It relaxes me and makes me forget about anything that take up space in my mind and stresses me out. Thank you Sister Owens for teaching me how! :)

Day 28!

My favorite movie... Hmm, This one is hard because I like so many movies! I went and saw Tangled today with Jackie so I will say that Tangled is my new favorite movie! It was so cute, and Zachary Levi played Flinn, and I love him!! :) It was good for all ages, and I liked it just as... Probably more than old Disney movies! :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 27!

Me last year:
.This was a picture of me on Christmas day one year ago! I have changed a lot since then, my hair is longer and I have different glasses (even though I wasn't wearing them in this picture anyway.) Caleb's gone, and I reallllly don't care about school as compared to my just a little not caring about it. Other than that though, nothing has really changed, but if you look at like, the two things that changed, that's basically my whole life different. Odd what one year can do.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 26, Where I've been.

This is definitely my favorite place ever! EVER! You used to have a whole year pass a couple of years back and we went like once or twice a month, It sure was the happiest place I'VE ever been to! :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 25! What is in my purse!

Nothing.... my purse is completely empty! I can't even find my wallet! Not really a cool thing.... but hopefully I will find it, and then I will have one thing in my purse. What kind of girl am I? A I don't have a purse type of girl, usually I only carry a purse like, at church and even then all I have is my scripture and my wallet. There we go. :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 24

Something that means a lot to me is:
The temple!! I try and go at least once a week to do baptisms! I love it there, it's the most peaceful place I've ever been and I want to be able to go there for the rest of my life! :)

Day 23. 15 Facts about me.

1. Harry Potter. That's it, just Harry Potter.
2. I have no feeling in my right pinky toe.
3. I write a letter every day.
4. The only reason I go to school is for my English class.
5. I have a cool hedgehog who I love.
6. Apparently I'm finally back to my old self. (Took long enough)
7. My favorite kind of shoes are converse.
8. I have two moles, one on each of my legs that are in the same exact place and are the same exact size.
9. I like redvines! ;)
10. I practically live on the computer even if I don't really like it anymore.
11. I know three chords on the guitar.
12. I wish I could sing.
13 I'm not good at swimming at all.
14. I have really small hands.
15. My Christmas tree is at least half Harry Potter.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 22!

Dear Money,
I'm really sad that you ran away from my wallet a couple weeks ago, especially so close to Christmas. Today in Government we watched a whole video about deficit, and it made me really sad to see you running off with those Chinese diplomats, can't you just stay with me a LITTLE bit longer! I hope you're enjoying yourself taunting all of America. Please be nicer to us, and maybe I'll stop writing mean letters to you!

Day 21!

Something that makes me super happy is!:

WHITE ROSES! These are from Valentine's Day this last year. They were so pretty, and they are my favorite, I have two that I dried and keep on my dresser and I love seeing them every day!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 20!

The meaning behind my Blog name Iceteamagic. Well, my last name is Lupton and Lupton sounds an aweful lot Like Lipton and they make iced tea. It's been a long running nickname since softball Freshman year that my nickname has been Iceteamagic, like the brand name, and because well, I love Harry Potter of course! ;)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 19! Another Picture of myself!

As of this moment this is my favorite picture of me! It's one of my senior pictures, and I really do love it!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 18!

Something I crave a lot, is..... Hershey Kisses. They are SOooo Good. I would eat them every minute of every day. They are like heaven in a bite sized little chocolate awesome kiss ness. :) mmmmmm

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 17!

A picture of me and my family, the first one is supposed to be a fun one.. But it really is a bad picture of basically all of us, the funny thing, Jackie didn't have to pretend to make that face, she was so mad at us, I can't remember the reason why. And the second one is just another picture of my family.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day Sixteen!

My celebrity crush is.... RUPERT GRINT! I absolutely LOVE Ron Weasly, and the fact that Rupert Grint plays him... my favorite character... it's just fate right there. He's just so dreamy, and his eyes, his big dark eyes! (That's a Harry Potter reference by the way... Don't think I'm too creepy!)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day fifteen! Something I don't leave the house without!

I never evvvver leave the house without my locket. I seriously have left my wallet keys and phone at home many times, my locket that Caleb got me for my Birthday last year is the one thing that I won't leave home without! It's pretty, it's special, and it's shiney!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day fourteen!

A tv show I am addicted to: Modern Family and Psych. No I'm not going to put pictures up, frankly I don't feel well, and I'm really tired, but those are my shows. I love them, the characters are so funny! and Phil on modern family reminds me of my Dad... And Shawn off Psych.... My hero! :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 13!

My Favorite bandS are One Weezer, and two the Killers, they are so good, and I absolutely love both their music! They Make me feel happy and inspire me! :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 12!

This is the City I live in. Las Vegas. It's not a very clean town, it's not all the times a very friendly town, but it's the town I call home. Thank you Las Vegas for not kicking me to out to go live somewhere else. And thanks for never getting actually cold, because I wouldn't be able to do that.... Just saying. VIVA LAS VEGAS!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 11!

What's in my makeup bag?
Honestly.... nothing. I haven't worn makeup for an every day occasion since May. Pretty Intense. The only time I think I put it on was for senior pictures, so I didn't look terrible in expensive pictures! And that wasn't my makeup, it was my Mom's. The only makeup I did have, Jackie has now taken over with no intent on returning it. There you go, An inside look at one part of... what I lack in a daily routine.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 10! My favorite place to eat is.....

BJ's Brewery, It just is, I love eating there, and if anyone asks where I want to eat, this is it, this is what I want to eat!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 9!!

Day Nine is an item I last purchased. And the last item I purchased was a Dr. Pepper, for my Mom! She asked me to get her one at 711, and I spent $1.49 and it was really nice of me to do, and my Mom loved me SO much. You're welcome Mom! :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day Eight!

A song to match my mood. Across the sea- By Weezer. Because I got a letter from Caleb today, and I really miss him. Sorry for complaining, but that's my moody world today.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 7! My ideal wedding!

Ok, This post is actually something that I've thought about. I won't go into too much detail or this post will be two pages long! But Navy blue and light green, a really pretty dress, an even prettier location... the temple... and a pretty normal reception. So, Anyways, I don't won't it to be super extravagant, and I not too expensive... but that's obvious. Basically just a normal wedding... With a candy bar, and Christmas trees. Because Christmas trees are the bees knees. So there.... My dream wedding in a very general and basically telling you nothing except that it will be a typical wedding.... With candy... Hope to see you there! ;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 6!

For a pet I would LOVE to have a hedgehog... But wait... what is this? I DO HAVE A HEDGEHOG! His name is Zeus and is Zeus and I realllllly love him... He's the coolest thing in my life right now. :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 5!

A picture of me two years ago!
This was Christmas two years ago... I loved that coat! :) For a while I used this picture for EVERYTHING, It's even on my blog to the right... Right now. Man I've had this blog a long time!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day four!

My Favorite picture of my best friend! Ok, So this guy, he's seriously awesome, and he stands by me in every way even though he's more than 2,000 miles away, he's the best, and here is my favorite picture of him... Probably because he just looks kinda... crazy (Not as in insane, but like... different, I miss different.)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 3!

My idea of a perfect first date. :)
Ok, The perfect first date is actually to do something, go to a dinner and then something fun, like the zip line at fremont street or having a marshmallow war, not sitting around watching a movie, that's for dates later on. It could be argued that Mine and Caleb's first date was a movie night watching princess bride, that was a good date too, but it would be cool to like... Go bungee jumping or something really cool like that. :)


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Something I ate today!

This is my favorite candy bar, it's only 11:30 and I ate one already! Yay For kit kats!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 1!

Here is a picture of me... It's a senior picture of me because my camera is going pretty crazy right now, here it is!
My Day, Today we went up to Utah to see my grandparents. Honestly... It wasn't a very good visit, my grandparents are kinda on the end of their rope, and it's getting really difficult, and it looks like my Mom and her sisters are going to be trading off weeks to take care of them, pretty sad. And my day was full of a really smelly house, long car rides, and knitting. Yay knitting... Not yay to the rest of the day!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I stole this from Dianne... I start tomorrow!

Day 1 - A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

Day 2 - A photo of something you ate today.

Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date.

Day 4 - Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

Day 5 - A photo of yourself two years ago.

Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet.

Day 7 - Your dream wedding. (vacation)

Day 8 - A song to match your mood.

Day 9 - A photo of the item you last purchased.

Day 10 - A photo of your favorite place to eat.

Day 11 - What's in your makeup bag.

Day 12 - A photograph of the town you live in.

Day 13 - Your favorite musician and why?

Day 14 - A TV show you're currently addicted to.

Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without.

Day 16 - Your celebrity crush.

Day 17 - A photo of you and your family.

Day 18 - Something you crave a lot.

Day 19 - Another picture of yourself.

Day 20 - The meaning behind your blog name.

Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy.

Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Day 23 - 15 facts about you.

Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you.

Day 25 - What's in your purse?

Day 26 - A photo of somewhere you've been to.

Day 27 - A picture of you last year and now and how you changed since then?

Day 28 - Your favorite movie.

Day 29 - Something you could never get tired of doing.

Day 30 - A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's my birthday and we're going to party!

Yes readers, tomorrow is my birthday! And Let me tell you.... it doesn't make any difference. Going up one number doesn't change the facts of life. I will still go to school and do my homework last minute.... as usual. I will still wake up at 4:30, and go to seminary, and drive to said building, and talk to the same people, Which is fine, for the most part I like those people. :) I will still leave school early, and check the mailbox, and I will still drive back to the school to pick up Jackie and hour and a half later! I of COURSE will still go onto facebook and the only thing to change there is that in my info, it will go up to 17 instead of 16. I'm not cynical here, I'm just sayin' I'm still going to be the same. So happy Birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, I'm another year older and I'm still a big dork! Happy Birthday to ME! :)

Love you all!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dear Maren,

I don't know if you even read my blog anymore since you're at college and I hardly ever write on here anyways anymore, but I wanted to tell you I miss you and school is SO boring. And there is so much drama going on in my life right now, and I miss YOU! So Hey girl, let's talk tome time, You're freakin awesome! :)


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Harry P.

Yes, Today is in fact Harry Potter's birthday! I KNOW he isn't real. People keep talking to me like I'm crazy. I'm not crazy, Just a super fan. So, Please EVERYONE, I am SO Not Crazy. Thank you.
Hapy B-day Wherever you are Harry. :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Where is my Summer Going?

Summer seems to be going by so quickly! Which is all good with me, I hope time goes by fast even AFTER summer! :) I want to wish everyone a happy July, and I hope your Independence day was Good!

Now watch this video!

Monday, June 28, 2010

June is almost over

June is on its way to be finished. Yes, this IS the most exciting news I have to offer. My life is SO boring right now.... No job. I sleep until like noon every day. And then I watch TV and sit on the computer. I am So lazy. And I have no money, so I can't do anything. I went to the adventure dome with Maren, Ari, and Jordan. That was cool! And... probably the coolest thing that will happen, until I get to go to Drum Major camp.... Wait, that's not cool... That's like the nerdiest part of my summer. That's like... More nerdy than BAND CAMP, because I'm actually VOLUNTEERING to go to this camp. Wow.... I'm the leader of the nerds, and I'm going to a camp so they can help me be an even better nerd leader. Haha... Man, I crack myself up sometimes. :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Back from Camp

I am back from girl's camp! It was fun but very cold! I froze up there! I learned a lot about the girl's in my ward, and I am very pleased with the way camp turned out!! :)
Summer is now on well on it's way, and I am ready to just relax now that camp is over and I have no responsibility for it anymore! So call me guys, and we'll hang out, and have a grand old time I'm sure!
I missed facebook for a week. And.... I didn't take a shower for six days.... Don't judge me.... You wouldn't take one either. I DID wash my hair under a hose. That's as clean as I got.
I missed Maren, but we're hanging out tomorrow, so that's awesome! I love her so much! Yay Maren! :D

Monday, June 14, 2010

Phone call and camp

This morning, an Elder on his way to Connecticut. And in-between his flights, he was allowed to call his parents... and me! It was 5:09, and I was asleep! But, I woke up the second he called. But, I thought it was an alarm! And I almost just turned it off! But I didn't, and I talked to him for an amazing six minutes! You may not think that's a lot, but hearing his voice was so great and it made up for how off I've been the last three weeks! So, Now he's off to Connecticut!
Camp is this week. I leave in a like two hours, and that phone call was exactly what I needed for an awesome week at camp!!!! See you guys in a week!!!! :D

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One Week Down!

So, It's the end of the first week of Caleb being gone! This is going by pretty fast! I like it!
School ended today, which is good because nobody likes school... Unless you're crazy! :) I'm hoping to have a good summer... We'll see how that turns out! Friday I'm going with all the fourth years on the fourth year hike. Canoeing down the Colorado River! Should be exciting! Hopefully nothing will go wrong, because I'm not a good swimmer!
Today for mutual We had a movie night and watched the RM! I love Kirby Heyborne. He is my favorite actor... Even out of regular, non-low budget movies! He's just so funny! AND I had an EFY counselor who looked JUST like him! It was So cool! In the movie, he had a girlfriend who left him one year and 11 and a half months into his mission. FIRST of all, Why would you every leave a missionary in the mission field? That makes me so sad! If you made a commitment to him, Keep it! And If you are going to leave him... Why do you wait until the VERY end... That is so rude and insensitive! I do not get it!
Also, Weezer has become my new best friend! Just so you know!
MAREN darling! I love you! Great year! :)

Friday, May 28, 2010


I got in an accident after school today. It wasn't a bad one, but I'm still shaken up! She was in my blind spot, and while I was pulling out I backed right into her door, and now it won't open. I'm going pretty crazy. I hope everything turns out ok!

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Montage 5/24/10 at

Our debate video opener

Work Work and Not Work

School is lame, and procrastination is even lamer. I have forgotten about like... three projects and papers, but it's ok, because I'll just cram them into a couple hours, make a couple mediocre things, and get good grades on them! Ok,Off to forget about my missing mission man, and just think of Weezer blasting in my headphones!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Caleb is gone. It's really hard, it's only been a day... In about two hours. I'm having a hard time remembering he's gone, I keep picking up my phone to call him, and then remembering I can't, and it hurts all new, which is really sucky! Church today was good though, all about missionary work and such, I know I can make it through these two years, because I have to! Going on a mission is the most important thing Caleb will ever do, and I get to be the girl supporting him back home, So, Even though he's gone, and it's REALLY hard, I can do it. Because two years from Wednesday he'll come home, and everything will pick up where it was left off. :) Happy

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shut out

I feel like I've been shut out a lot lately. I don't know what's going on with everybody. But it's probably just me. It's close to when Caleb leaves, three Days, and I get in crazy different moods every five minutes. So I shouldn't complain that nobody seems to be there, I'm the one shutting people out. And I don't mean to hurt anybody. I'm just handling this the best I can, and nobody will tell me what's really on their mind. Seriously, what's on your mind? Please tell me??

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Too Soon to tell

Caleb Owens leaves in 13 days. Bleh, It's still too soon to tell, but I'm about a hundred percent sure that I'll be a WRECK for at least the first two weeks. I'm not ready. But I'm being thrown in without a say in the matter.... Let's get this over with!

Maren dropped by on Friday, and we had an awesome talk! I am so glad she's my best friend. I love you Mare, I'm always here!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Time soon?

Will I have time anytime SOON!? Seriuosly, it's insane how there is no time to do anything. But, pretty soon, I shall be done. No more plays, Saturday is the end. The very end! And then I will not have to do anything else, for a while. I really don't have anything important to say, just that I seriously miss haveing time, and soon, I will have endless time. 35 days from now, I'll have as much time as is possibly needed. It's crazy, but true. And What I want to say, is... HELLO TIME! You were missed!! And I'm glad to have you back!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just another Manic Monday

So, Things are.... complicated right now. And I'm looking for a part time job now, my Mom says I don't NEED to get one... But I feel like I have to, if anyone knows of anything availabel, please let me know. Thanks for reading everybody!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Even when you think I'm not thinking of you, I am!

No, this post is NOT directed at Caleb, This is directed at my best friend Maren Bayles! Because of Maren, I have one of those girlfriends I've never had before. I mean, I've had friends who are girl, but not until Maren have I been a real best friend. Who I believed were my best friend had other best friends... Above me on the best friend scale. Not so with Maren, and that is much appreciated. Maren... I don't exactly know when you're leaving me. I guess, Since you haven't given me a precise date, or even a month, I'm holding out, hoping you'll just stay here with me, even though I know it's not true. You're my best friend. And you know exactly how to make me feel better. What am I going to do when I need to feel better? When I feel so lonely, because my boyfriend is over two thousand miles away and the ONLY OTHER PERSON WHO COULD HELP ME FEEL SPECIAL AND OF WORTH IS GOING TO BE IN THE NEXT STATE OVER WITH ALL HE NEW BYU ROOMMATE FRIENDS.... Maren, You are not forgotten, and you never will be, you've touched me more than anyone has. You're the perfect example of a best friend, which makes me feel terrible, because while you're there being MY perfect best friend, the most important and significant friend I've ever had, I'm being the opposite example to you. I love you Maren, And even when you are away at college with your new friend, and putting me in the back of your memory as a high school memory, I will remember you, as that friend who showed me that I never had a real friend until you. I'll remember ten minute rambling YouTube videos that were to long to even put up on the site! I'll remember Dying of heat at numerous band activities. I'll remember staring up at my ceiling at Harry Potter and you getting TOTALLY freaked out! I'll remember the way you made me happy even when you don't know that I've been having a bad day. I'll remember the time we were walking in the cafeteria my Freshman year, and realizing you were my best friend! Maren, Even when you think I'm not thinking of you... I am, And years from now when I'm old, with old people diseases and I can't remember your name let alone my own.... I'll remember that the feeling of love from someone other than my family FIRST came from a my best friend with giant hair, who loved stars, and played guitar better than anyone I've ever heard (Maybe I'm biased.... But I still believe it.) And don't think my grand kids won't hear stories of riding bikes in Toys R Us, and MARENCON 5! Because those types of things are things that I never want to be lost... Even when I'm gone.
I love you best friend... Don't forget it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

This was a pretty Awesome Spring Break Week. I hung out with Caleb everyday of Spring break. It was REALLY fun. Nice, to get to hang before he leaves for two years.
So, yesterday We went to St. George, to watch conference and to help my grandparents move. Well.... They're moved. It was a lot of work. But, we got it done. And It was worth going up... I think. I really didn't get to watch a lot of conference... like... the last hour of the last session. Other than that we were cleaning and moving for the rest of conference. But, the next two months after conference are all about conference, so I'll just get to learn it now.
Happy Easter! I love Easter, not because of the eggs or the Little bunny pictures everywhere. I love Easter because we celebrate our Savior and the sacrifice he made for me, as well as everyone else, that I may return to him and have the atonement. I'm thankful for all my family, and those who care about me and who have accepted the gospel and know that Jesus is their redeemer, they are strong examples to me.
Happy Easter everyone! Jesus loves you!

Monday, March 29, 2010


It came. His Mission call. Yes, Caleb Owens will be leaving us for two years beginning on the 26Th of May. He has been called to be an outstanding Missionary, serving in the Hartford Connecticut Mission, and I have NO DOUBT that he will fulfill this calling. OK, So... Here's the scoop. I've known Caleb for... well, over a year, I took him to Sadie's, we are attending the Formal together, and well, I kinda have a thing for him. I KNOW! Crazy. But, he has been called to serve, and serve he shall. If it hurts, well, that's life! And where the Lord has called, it must be answered. Two years seems... Well, long, and, it is. But, Caleb will come home two years and two months from now, a better person, and someone more prepared for this world. I'm very proud of him, and am VERY glad he has accepted the Lord's call.

Two Years? Eh, That's nothing! Congrats Caleb, Return With Honor. <3

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Midway through the week

So, I was sick yesterday! So, I stayed home. That's it... That's all I have to say. Boopboopboooppp....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blue. Cup. Brown. Sweater. Ugly. Scratches. Uglier. Couches.
Broken. Lamp. Dusty. Vacume. Dirty. Bowl. Black. Speaker.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What's been going on?

Weeks seem to be slurring together now. Wasn't it just barely Sadie's... No, That was two weeks ago! So crazy!

It was the BEST weekend of my entire life.... so far. It was seriously awesome!

(I think I look a bit like a model in this picture)
Friday night we took awesome pictures at Mikael's house, we went to the adventure dome. We went to eat at California Pizza Kitchen, and we went back to Mikael's house to watch a movie! The whole Group

It was really fun! We got to know the other couples there... well, A lot more than before, seeing as Caleb didn't know any of them.
On our way, in the car, A little squished, but well worth it!

Saturday, we woke up early and headed to California with my Friend Maren and her date Jordan! It was SO FUN! Magic Mountain doesn't have the same atmosphere as Disneyland, and that place will always be my favorite, but Magic Mountain definitely has a lot more rides that are teenage friendly! IT was so fun. All of us agreed that X2 was the best ride! I mean, it had FLAMES! Caleb got a little sick on the way home. And throughout the day, at least one of us was feeling a little off color, and even with that, it was still COMPLETELY awesome! I have never had more fun in one weekend! Our sweater vests were totally awesometastic! We looked like cool little studs, and Caleb was really rockin his!

At the opening of the park/ With A bear!

Caleb looks so good in this picture!
All of us with that 6 flags guy!
The end of the day!
at the beginning, it was hard to get us all in the shot!
There was a wet right, and Caleb and I got SOAKED!
The End... Moral of the story, Magic Mountain is AWESOME!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Leave the Women out of this

There's a kid. He's a member of the church, and in my stake, and his Dad is pretty high up in the stake. But he is SO RUDE. Today he joined in my group for a project in my first period class. And He drove me crazy. Every five seconds it was like "You can't do that you're just a woman" Or "Women never know what they're saying that's why I always ignore them, they aren't as smart as men." We started talking about college and he said "Women are wasting an education we could be giving to a man. I think they should all just drop out of college and become stay at home moms where they belong, cooking food and cleaning house." I personally have set a goal to ONE DAY, hopefully (But not as soon as I'm married) Become one of those moms. But, I HATE when people say that. Does he not realize that an education is more than ONLY useful for men? And how is he EVER going to get a wife, with this crappy attitude toward women he has. I swear, he has got a lot of growing up to do before his mission. The little freaking baby. He made me soooo angry when he did that, You have no idea. Bleh, I'm just getting so tired of his attitude toward women.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

As of right now things are good

So, I can't complain (Except for the razor burn I gave myself this morning) THings are going good. I love my best friend Maren, She is so awesome and nice. I wish she would be my friend forever, thankgoodness she's my BEST FRIEND FOR ETERNITY (BFFE) Without her, I would be lost. THanks Mare.
Alley Walley

Friday, February 5, 2010

Let it be

Has been stuck in my head all day since seminary. We sang a scripture mastery to it. So, today hasn't been the best Friday, it just felt like a waste of time. I slept a lot. And the only good thing was seeing a friend I missed for a little bit. But, Overall, today just sucked. And I want to do something, But Maren is out of town, and Caleb is at home... Not hanging out with me. I don't really know why, he said he couldn't think of something to do. So.... my Friday night consists of listening to music and vedging on the couch while eating apple cinnamon oatmeal (The best kind)

Here's a little poem I wrote right now


Some fridays are fun
And you party and jam and have a good time
But this friday is a flop
And my face looks like I just ate a lime (Because I'm upset that this friday wasn't awesome)

Springtimes are springy
Winter is dry
And my summer is empty and dried.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hmmm, I don't know why i titled this post that way. I'm really tired today. I think that I'm not going to go to softball today, we'll see, but most likely not, bleh, bleh bleh bleh! The sweater vests for Sadie's came in yesterday. I took Caleb his, and it looks really good on him, no kidding, it looks really awesome! I'm glad we went with red, and he looks really cool. I'm going to go in and confirm all we're doing today with the girl running the day. I'm am so excited, it's going to be a really boss day!
I haven;t finished my English book yet, I'm almost done, literally ALMOST like, less than fifty pages to go, but it's got to be done my Friday, and I don't know If I can do it, we'll see, If I don't finish it... Then i WONT finish it. So, I'm hoping to finish it. Bleh. OK, I'm gonna go to seminary now.
Oh, BTW, 10 months?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No school today for Alex

I got up at 4:30. And I went to seminary. I got there, and felt like death. So I came home when It was over. And I am about to go drift off into a deep dark sleep. Thought you should know. I miss you already. Be safe, and well. And Happy and lovely. And............I love you.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weeks of Order Yet confusion

Jackie is yelling at me and I don't know why..... Now she's saying that she's not even yelling at me, And to stop typing everything she says. Now she's gotten milk everywhere from trying to ease what I was saying about her. She's being so rude and out of control. She's saying I', being racist!!!
So, this part of my year is always very scheduled.
4:30 Wake up call
4:30- 5:00 Get ready for the stupid day of school ahead.
5:00- 5:25 Blog, eat, relax, Facebook
5:30- Leave for seminary
6:10 Seminary starts Yes, It starts 40 minutes from when I leave the house. (Stupid Secretary Position)
6:40 Go to Stupid School
7:00-1:25 STUPID SCHOOL where on most days I don't learn anything. And Sit there bored writing in my journal and reading books.
1:45-5:30 (This length of time tends to change depending on the day) Softball practice.
5:30 Go home
5:45-8:00 Sleep....
8:00- 8:30 any homework I do have
8:30-9:00 Veg
9:00-11:00 Phone

That's the majority of my week days. In some ways I'm thankful for them. Everything is the same every day and they make the days go by quicker. I like that. :)

Making some Brownies

I'm back from church, and I'm making brownies to take to a two sets of people, I had a friend who had A really crappy week, and I want to make her feel a little better, I'm writing her a card right now. And Also as A thank you to the Owen's for taking me out to dinner the other night with them! It was really nice.
My mum is down stairs watching something on BBC, and she is Screaming with laughter! I literally ran downstairs thinking someone was killing her, it sounded that bad. But no, she's just laughing! So weird!
I feel like a leprechaun, All dressed in green. Yesterday Caleb came over and watched a movie, that was pretty great. I like it when he comes over, since I don't really get to see him at all, I wish we had milk, but we don't milk would make me all nice and happy and cool right now, but no, it's hot, because of the brownies! Bleh!
Here's is some REALLY awesome news! I got an invitation today to go to the formal! I'm so excited to go! I can't wait! They announced it in relief society today, And I just about exploded from the excitement building up! But I won't explode... Or I can't go! :)
Anyways, You all rock so much, Thank you for reading my blog, you make me feel special, Thank you. BYE!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Two Important Days I forgot!

OK, So In that last Post, I forgot two AWESOME days! OK, So, My mum's Birthday was on the 28Th, I won't tell you how old she is, but the day was really nice. At first it kinda sucked, we went to Blueberry Hill which was awesome, but my dad wanted to take my mum somewhere she didn't want to go. Then He took us to Costco, I don't know why, but he did, we went to Avatar. It was SUCH a good movie! I loved it! Definitely one of my favorites in theatres! Caleb went to that also, Then we all went to dinner at Bucca Di Beppo, I love that restaurant!

Then On... Hmm, Wednesday? We went to Gift of lights, It's a tradition we do every year, and this one was really cool, Aaron brought his Girlfriends, Abby, My cousin Shelby, Jackie, Me and Caleb all piled in the back of the truck bed, then Natalie My mum and my dad were in the front. It was cold! But also way fun!

Winter break 2009!!

Hey Everyone! I had a pretty Rockin' break! The Tuesday after we got off I held a "Christmas Party" At my house. We watched movie, we ate food, people won prizes. It was pretty awesome. And I think people actually had fun! I know, It's CRAZY! Christmas Eve we all just sat around watching a Christmas Story, like usual, it's one of my favorite traditions. Christmas Day we opened presents. I've been collecting TV shows (So In the future we can just watch that instead of buying cable) So, I got a few seasons of some shows I like. I got a digital Camera, Which is coming in way useful! I also got some awesome Moccasins... Those things are legit! So comfortable! After we opened presents we got dressed and went over to my Grandma's. We were there pretty much the whole day, we opened her presents and then sat around for a couple of hours. Then my lovely friend Caleb came over and met my family. He made it past my scary uncle and my teasing Dad. And we had fun playing Wii and Yahtzee (Caleb is Very good at that game)

Caleb stayed for a few hours, then he had to go back to his family. We had a huge Dinner, but I couldn't eat half of it, because it hurt to chew! The next day I went over to Caleb's house, and Played games with his parents, And his sister Rachelle's Family. I have to say, we ate some of the BEST Lasagna I've ever tasted, and I've tasted a lot of Lasagna (It's my favorite food!) It was very veryyyyy good!

This Monday we Tried to go to the Dentist to see what was wrong with my tooth, but... Sadly, they were still closed.

Tuesday I actually DID go to the Dentist, They took an X-Ray and referred me to someone else. So, Basically nothing happened. My mum and I went Shopping, ate at port of Subs, and then shopped some more, We came home, and Caleb Came over to watch some episodes of Chuck, Which I got for Christmas.

Wednesday!!! Possibly my favorite part of Winter Break All together. I went on a DATE! But it wasn't a Date... but it kinda was. :) Caleb and I went to Applebee's and had Lunch, then we walked around to a bunch of stores and looked around, (Borders, Petsmart, Best Buy) It was WAY fun, He's a really funny guy, kept me laughing the whole time! We went back to his house afterwards to take some pictures, I needed some of Foxy, so I could show my mum, so we just decided to take pictures of us there.Thursday we went up to the Worthen's Cabin, It was really fun, I learned to Ski, we went Tubing, and i relaxed a lot. Seriously, a really fun time, even if I thought it wouldn't be.

Anyway, I'm pressed for time now, I've gotta go get ready for church! It was a great Winter Break, I wish it could last longer, but thanks everyone for making it so swell! Bye!!!!