Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Leave the Women out of this

There's a kid. He's a member of the church, and in my stake, and his Dad is pretty high up in the stake. But he is SO RUDE. Today he joined in my group for a project in my first period class. And He drove me crazy. Every five seconds it was like "You can't do that you're just a woman" Or "Women never know what they're saying that's why I always ignore them, they aren't as smart as men." We started talking about college and he said "Women are wasting an education we could be giving to a man. I think they should all just drop out of college and become stay at home moms where they belong, cooking food and cleaning house." I personally have set a goal to ONE DAY, hopefully (But not as soon as I'm married) Become one of those moms. But, I HATE when people say that. Does he not realize that an education is more than ONLY useful for men? And how is he EVER going to get a wife, with this crappy attitude toward women he has. I swear, he has got a lot of growing up to do before his mission. The little freaking baby. He made me soooo angry when he did that, You have no idea. Bleh, I'm just getting so tired of his attitude toward women.


Ren said...

That IDIOT. I was talking to one of my teachers, and he was all, "LDS boys think they're better than girls, just cause of the whole patriarchal thing." But that's so dumb! If they were really following the church, they would realize it's a partnership, a sharing of responsibility. I just wanna kick his butt. What's his name so I can beat him up and give him an education in the art of whoop?

Brigg and Dianne said...

Maybe he's gay?

Alex Lupton said...

You Know What Dianne.... I think he might be. I wonder what would happen if I confronted the Stake Presidents son about being Gay? Only good things right? ;)

Anonymous said...

Lup lup must blog more.