Friday, February 5, 2010

Let it be

Has been stuck in my head all day since seminary. We sang a scripture mastery to it. So, today hasn't been the best Friday, it just felt like a waste of time. I slept a lot. And the only good thing was seeing a friend I missed for a little bit. But, Overall, today just sucked. And I want to do something, But Maren is out of town, and Caleb is at home... Not hanging out with me. I don't really know why, he said he couldn't think of something to do. So.... my Friday night consists of listening to music and vedging on the couch while eating apple cinnamon oatmeal (The best kind)

Here's a little poem I wrote right now


Some fridays are fun
And you party and jam and have a good time
But this friday is a flop
And my face looks like I just ate a lime (Because I'm upset that this friday wasn't awesome)

Springtimes are springy
Winter is dry
And my summer is empty and dried.


Ang and Shawn said...

Glad you ended up at the activity! Did you have fun?? Cheer up girl! You are amazing!

Allison Barnes said...

oops... i just left a message and didn't realize my niece was signed into my computer... not sure how to change it. Sorry. It's me, farmer...

Love ya!

Ren said...

Alex= wicked cool
this week = A.M. hang out time!