Friday, July 24, 2009

Strawberry Chapstick

One Day, you'll look back to those times we were together and what will you remember about me? The fact that my favorite colour is green? Or that I am OVERLY obsessed with Harry Potter? That I love the killers and they pretty much rock my world? That I watch what not to wear and laugh because I often dress like the people being scolded for their outrageous looks? That I really like Carl's Jr. or those awesome Chocolate Swirl shakes from Arby's? That the doctor says I'm 20 pounds overweight, and that I go jogging and still can't lose anything? That I love taking pictures, but don't get the opportunity to be in them often? Or will you remember things like: how my dad makes crazy jokes and watches the Avatar? And my mum's lost a TON of weight on this amazing diet she's on?
Will you remember that I can't really swim? Or that I have an irrational and totally pointless fear of Zombies? How about that I play softball... ish? And that I love it, even if I'm a bit slow at picking things up? Will you remember my extreme converse? Or that my comfort food is Ben and Jerry's Phish Food Ice cream? Will you remember that my food storage is 75% tomatoes? Or just maybe, that the only kind of chap stick I wear is the strawberry kind?
Think about it... Is anything I do a strong memory? Do I stand out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everything is a strong memory and you are fantastic... but based on the strawberry chapstick thing, I'm guessing this isn't intended for me, so I'll leave you 2 alone. lol