Friday, March 6, 2009

Fridays are the days of awesome

Today I shall go to school. I don't mind school during softball season. It's more of a blur, and then I have practice.
I did better yesterday. Not nearly as bad as the day before, I just have to remember to put my knee down when tagging the base. I remember most everything else, but I don't always do everything I remember. I hope today is happier than yesterday. I'm more awake, which is strange, because I went to bed later, and my ice leaked all over my bad, so I was drenched in cold water all night, and I was too tired to get up and change, so.... I just battled through it!

OK, well, I did my hair kind of cool today. There's a braid. On the side but everything else is down. I got it from Lauren Arnold at church. I like it and I hope nobody says it looks ugly. OK, goodbye world. I'm off to star in the next day of my adventure!

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