Monday, September 8, 2008

Standards night

So, I was in charge of standards night. It was yesterday, and the theme was to run away from temptation like superman runs away from Kryptonite. I thought it was OK, could have gone better, I messed up the order we were all supposed to go in, and it sounded like I had marshmallows in my mouth at times, but other than that it was OK! People seemed to like it, like sister Barns, Young women Stake president


Ashley said...

Oh!! It was so FABULOUS!!! I thought that it was really great. EVERYTHING.... I could see the guys from where I sat and they enjoyed it just as much as the girls did...THAT says something.

Good Job!

velvetysweetness said...

yea alex it rocked!!!!!!!!! (:

Jazzy Jax said...

alex i really love how you made dating a part of my life