Monday, September 22, 2008


I'm so confused, lately. I have no idea what the truth is in certain situations that I've been put into. My friends have been helping me out. But I don't know what to think anymore. Maybe it's truth, maybe not, but I'm just one of those people who don't think that cool things can happen to them. I mean, this is like mondo awesome, and I just think that it was maybe misinterpreted, or just flat out not true. I mean, I would LOVE it if it was for real. But I'm just not that way. I think it's safer for it to be untrue, even if it's not what I want. So, this is it, I'm a total unbeliever. I'll just wait for conformation, and then maybe I'll be truly happy about this whole situation. For now, I'll cling to this bit of hope, because right now I'm confused and am kind of in need of a hug. So, if you see me, I need it. Thanks.

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