Saturday, December 5, 2009

Long time No see

I know It's been a while since I've actually wrote a real post, I'm sorry everyone... What, One person who reads my blog maybe? It's OK though, Because you rock!
Here's whats been going on... School... Church... More school... Band... Step Team... And Quidditch.
I've been working on lots of projects, like Quiddich, I'm excited to see if they'll let it be a club. I hope they do, I mean, it's not like it's exactly the most "realistic" club, but I know it'll be fun, extremely fun! That's just the way it is! We have an advisor, and I've got a lot of people who want to join.
Anyways, on to Somethings that are less dorky.
Have you ever wanted to be something, but it seems way too hard, or you know if you do it, people are just going to think it's a lame idea, and they put you down for it. I've been feeling that a lot lately. Thank you friends who actually think I can do things, you mean a lot to me!!!
I got my license, and no, I'm not a terrible driver, if you talk to my parents I'm the worst, but I'm actually a good driver, don't listen to what they say. They're crazy!!!


Allison Barnes said...

I read your blog! And I think you are amazing just the way you are!! Reach for your dreams and don't worry about what others think. Remeber who you are and that SO many people love you!!!

velvetysweetness said...

You are an amazing driver alex....I've only been late to seminary one're awesome! You've always been an example to me so forget what anybody says; be who you want to be! I'll always love you no matter what!!!

Alex Lupton said...

Alexandria Jayd Lupton,,,I AM SO CALLING YOU OUT GIRLFRIEND! I do not think you are a bad driver! I think other people are bad driver's. YOU ARE MY LITTLE GIRL AND I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO PLOW INTO YOU BECAUSE THEN YOU WOULD BE HURT OR WORSE, DON'T EVEN MAKE ME THINK IT. I love you!, mom