Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tired of school already

So, I'm done with school, we should petition to just end it all together. I seriously find MOST of it to be a waste of time, sure, there are a select few classes which I would enjoy going to, pretty much only English and history, everything else is a waste. First through fourth period are a seriously waste of my time. I learn absolutely nothing in them. Other than band all it is, is busy work, which is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves, why even have us sit in the class if all you're gonna do is sit at your desk and make us do something that isn't teaching us anything? I like English and I like history, because those classes don't give me busy work, and I ACTUALLY LEARN SOMETHING. I think that classes that are all busy work should just not be a part of school, if you wanna take it, do it on your own time, but I am so sick of those classes, and I have to sit through them DAY AFTER DAY. I'm not taking them next year, when I CAN have shortened classes I WILL, because these retarded classes where I don't do anything are SUCH a waste of time. And I could be doing something more productive, like actually learning, or getting ready for the future in some way. I'm just saying, if you're not going to actually teach us something, we should have the right to drop the class or just not have to take one. POINTLESS.

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